Movies - TV
Every James Gunn Movie, Ranked Worst to Best
11. The Belko Experiment
James Gunn apparently based this script on a nightmare he had, and (fittingly) watching it feels like being stuck in a bad (and monotonous) dream. Just an out-and-out disappointment and the only outright artistic dud on his features resume.
10. Slither
Gunn's feature directorial debut is an amalgamation of his many pop culture influences thrown into a blender. The humor works, and the gore effects are aces, but watching "Slither" still feels a bit like having the class nerd desperately trying to convince the cool kids that he's down with all their faves.
9. Scooby-Doo 2
While the film’s blatant attempt to offer fan service to both kids and adults, the result is still fun. It may not hold together very well, but it does effectively recreate some of the classic animated monsters in live-action, making them fun for young kids without being too scary.
8. Dawn of the Dead
Though George A. Romero's film can’t be replaced, Zach Snyder and Gunn made the remake their own by using "fast zombies," an idea that many Zombie franchises to follow adopted. It's one of Gunn's least overtly comedic scripts, but many of the kill gags are as sickly amusing as fans would expect.
7. Guardians: Vol. 2
Lots of the good bits in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 just don't quite add up to the sum of their parts. The main story feels slight, but much like "Avengers: Age of Ultron," it could gain clout later if/when all of what the film teases actually pays off in Vol. 3.